Archive for April 2011

BLACKBERRY CURVE 8530 SPESIFIKASI HARGA BlackBerry Terbaru BlackBerry Curve 8530 CDMA AHA Fitur Murah Kecepatan Tinggi

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FOTO BLACKBERRY CURVE 8530 Model Ponsel BB Terbaru CDMA Blackberry Curve 8530 Spesifikasi Harga Blackberry Terbaru Blackberry Curve 8530 CDMA AHA Fitur Murah Kecepatan Tinggi. Ponsel BB - AHA (affordable hyper-speed access) mengejutkan pasar dengan menghadirkan layanan BlackBerry berbasis code division multiple access (CDMA) di Indonesia. Hal itu ditandai dengan dirilisnya perangkat BlackBerry Curve 8530 di Jakarta. Dengan demikian, AHA menjadi operator ketujuh yang menyediakan layanan BlackBerry. Lihat HP Blackberry Terbaru 2011 Model BB Spesifikasi BlackBerry Monaco BB Montana Sedona BlackBerry Malibu dan Harga Samsung Galaxy Mini Indonesia Paket Telkomsel Harga Samsung Galaxy Mini Cuma 1,3juta - 1,6juta.

Sebagai pemain baru, tugas AHA cukup berat. Bakrie Connectivity (BConnect) sebagai pemegang merek AHA harus berkompetisi dengan operator-operator raksasa sekaliber Telkomsel, Indosat, dan XL, yang lebih dulu menguasai pasar BlackBerry di Tanah Air.

Namun, BConnect mengaku optimistis. Meski perangkat BlackBerry Curve 8530 adalah satu-satunya senjata untuk masuk ke arena "perang BlackBerry", AHA mengandalkan kecepatan dan harga yang murah. Sebab itu, kali ini ingin membuktikan seberapa andal smartphone tersebut.

Fisik, Desain, dan Spesifikasi BlackBerry Curve 8530

Secara fisik, BlackBerry Curve 8530 sama persis dengan BlackBerry Curve 8520 atau dikenal dengan BlackBerry Gemini. Keduanya memiliki panjang 10,9 sentimeter (cm), lebar 6 cm, tebal 1,3 cm, dan berat 106 gram. Material dan bentuk keypad Qwerty-nya pun tak ada yang berbeda.

Sama halnya dengan Gemini, BlackBerry Curve 8530 pun tidak memiliki trackball. Sebagai gantinya, Research In Motion (RIM) menyematkan optical trackpad yang sensitif atas sentuhan jari, yang ditemani dengan tombol Call/Dial, End/Power, Menu, dan beberapa tombol multimedia di sisi atas.

Pada sisi kirinya, RIM menempatkan port microUSB yang berfungsi untuk mengisi ulang baterai atau mentransfer data via kabel. Lalu, terdapat pula jack stereo 3,5 mm dan shortcut untuk voice commander. Sementara itu, di sisi kanan akan ditemukan tombol volume +/-, shortcut untuk kamera, dan microphone.

Susunan keypad Qwerty-nya sama persis dengan BlackBerry Javelin, hanya relatif lebih keras seperti BlackBerry Gemini. Ia memiliki layar TFT 65.000 warna sebesar 2,4 inci dengan resolusi 320 x 240 piksel, resolusi yang cukup untuk sebuah smartphone.

Selain itu, perbedaan terdapat pada kinerja prosesor. Kalau Gemini memiliki prosesor berkemampuan 512 MHz, Curve 8530 mempunyai prosesor lebih bertenaga, yakni 528 MHz.

Sebagai layanan nilai tambah, pelanggan dapat melakukan telepon dan SMS ke semua pengguna AHA dan Esia gratis seumur hidup. Pelanggan juga berhak mendapatkan layanan full BIS (e-mail, browsing, IM) secara gratis selama paruh tahun pertama.

Begitu pun layanan unduh ribuan lagu lokal dan barat asli di aplikasi AHAvibe. Pelanggan dapat memilih 3 paket BIS yang diinginkan, meliputi paket harian seharga Rp5.000, mingguan Rp30.000, dan bulanan Rp99.000.

Berikut sepintas fitur dan spesifikasi BlackBerry Curve 8530:

BlackBerry Curve 8530
Dimensi dan berat 10,9 x 6 x 1,3 cm
106 gram
Layar TFT, 65.000 warna
Ukuran layar 2,4 inci, 320 x 240 piksel

- QWERTY keyboard
- Touch-sensitive optical trackpad
Memori 256MB (ROM)
microSD up to 32GB
Konektivitas 3G Rev. A up to 3,1 Mbps
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth v2.1
microUSB v2.1
Kamera 2 MP, 1600 x 1200 piksel
Video Ada
OS BlackBerry OS 5.0
CPU 528 MHz processor
Radio Tidak ada
Browser HTML
GPS Ada, A-GPS support
Fitur - BlackBerry maps
- MP3/eAAC+/WMA/WAV player
- MP4/H.263/H.264/WMV player
- Organizer
- Document viewer
- Voice memo/dial/commands
- Predictive text input
Baterai Li-ion 1150 mAh

Hingga 252 jam (standby)
Hingga 4 jam 30 menit (talktime)
Harga Rp2,2 juta (belum termasuk PPn)
*untuk 500 pelanggan Esia pertama
Rp3,8 juta

Kinerja BlackBerry Curve 8530

Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui bahwa nomor telepon yang dibenamkan pada BlackBerry Curve 8530 melalui sistem injeksi, bukan kartu SIM/UIM. Sehingga, untuk mengaktifkannya, ada dua cara yang bisa dilakukan. Pertama, mendatangi Gerai Esia terdekat terlebih dahulu. Jika sudah memiliki nomor Esia atau AHA, Anda cukup meminta petugas di Gerai Esia untuk migrasi nomor tersebut ke handset BlackBerry.

Kedua, Anda bisa menggosok PIN Suka-Suka yang terdapat di dalam kotak BlackBerry AHA. Lalu, masukkan ICCID (19 digit angka yang tersedia) dan PIN (4 digit angka yang tersedia) pada website Nomor Suka-Suka.

Pertama-tama, kami menguji coba fungsi dasar telefoni BlackBerry Curve 8530. Layanan suara (telepon) dan teks (SMS) berjalan lancar tanpa ada kendala berarti. Suara relatif jernih, dan pesan teks jarang bermasalah. Namun, sangat terpengaruh oleh kekuatan sinyal di wilayah sekitar Anda.

Menariknya, kami dapat melakukan telepon dan SMS ke semua pengguna AHA dan Esia gratis sepuasnya lantaran AHA menggratiskannya seumur hidup. Pelanggan juga berhak mendapatkan layanan full BIS (e-mail, browsing, IM) secara gratis selama paruh tahun pertama.

Untuk layanan data bergerak, kami akui kecepatan akses data BlackBerry AHA cukup cepat, meski terkadang akses Internet kerap terputus di wilayah-wilayah tertentu. Umumnya karena wilayah tertentu itu tidak terjangkau penuh pancaran BTS. Namun, secara umum, jangkauan AHA merata.

Tebet, Jakarta Selatan Lokal 120/50 kbps, Internasional 120/80 kbps
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Timur Lokal 100/90 kbps, Internasional 120/40 kbps

BlackBerry Gemini putih seharga Rp 3,4 jutaPelanggan juga dimungkinkan untuk menikmati kuota 1GB dengan kecepatan hingga 3,1 Mbps selama sebulan pertama. Sehingga, pelanggan dapat menikmati video streaming YouTube tanpa buffering.

Namun, sebelum menikmati akses Internet, pelanggan perlu mengaktifkan paket BlackBerry Internet Service AHA yang terbagi ke dalam tiga paket, meliputi harian (1 hari) Rp5.000, mingguan (7 hari) Rp30.000, dan bulanan (30 hari) Rp99.000. Pelanggan cukup mengunjungi website untuk memilih paket BIS yang diinginkan.

Terkait layanan e-mail dan BlackBerry Messenger, kami tidak menemui kendala berarti. Hampir semuanya berjalan dengan semestinya. Aktivitas mengirimkan gambar dan video juga relatif lancar. Untuk menambah aplikasi, pelanggan bisa mengunduhnya di BlackBerry App World. Koneksi selama mengunduh sejumlah aplikasi ringan seperti RSS Feeder, LoveIndonesia, cukup stabil.

Kelebihan Hp BlackBerry Curve 8530:
- Koneksi Internet secara umum cepat dan stabil, terutama di kota-kota yang dijangkau area AHA EVDO.
- Gratis telepon dan SMS sesama pengguna Esia dan AHA seumur hidup.
- Dapat menikmati video streaming YouTube tanpa buffering selama sebulan pertama.

Kekurangan Ponsel BlackBerry Curve 8530:
- Meski cepat, koneksi masih kerap terputus di daerah-daerah tertentu.
- Keypad Qwerty keras dan kurang empuk.
- Sedikit repot untuk migrasi nomor Esia lama lantaran harus mengantre di Gerai Esia.

Blackberry Curve 8530, Spesifikasi Harga Blackberry Curve 8530, Hp Blackberry Terbaru 2011, Blackberry Curve 8530 CDMA, AHA, Fitur Blackberry Curve 8530 Lengkap, BB Murah Kecepatan Tinggi, Daftar Harga Blackberry Terbaru 2011, Kecepatan Internet Blackberry Curve 8530, Hyper Speed Internet, Akses Internet High Speed, Daftar Paket AHA, Bakrie Connectivity (BConnect)

KASUS TWITTER BONDAN PRAKOSO 2011 Kata Hinaan di Twitter Bondan @BondanF2B Konser Bali Akasaka Karaoke Bar

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FOTO BONDAN TERJERAT HUKUM KASUS HINAAN DI TWITTER 2011 Kasus Twitter Bondan Prakoso 2011 Kata Hinaan Di Twitter Bondan @Bondanf2b Konser Bali Akasaka Karaoke Bar. Bali, Fead 2 Black - Penyanyi Bondan Prakoso yang lagu-lagunya banyak digemari kaum muda tersangkut masalah hukum setelah seorang pemilik cafe di Denpasar Bali melaporkannya ke polisi dengan tuduhan penghinaan melalui akun twitternya @BondanF2B. Lihat Video Youtube Pangeran William Kate Ciuman Di Balkon Ciuman William Kate Middleton Disambut Ribuan Warga Inggris Live dan @sherinamunaf Follower Twitter Sherina Terbanyak Indonesia.

Dalam akun Twitter tersebut Bondan dianggap melontarkan kata-kata bernada menghina dan tak sopan. "Yang bersangkutan dilaporkan ke Polresta Denpasar pada Jumat dengan nomor laporan : LP/482/IV/2011 oleh korban pemilik kafe," kata salah seorang sumber di kepolisian, Sabtu, (30/04/2011).

Selain Bondan, Jerry Filmon, pemilik Akasaka juga melaporkan rekan Bondan bernama Bagus Satrio dengan tuduhan serupa. kata-kata dalam akun twitter mantan penyanyi cilik tersebut bunyinya seperti ini, "Security=Secure=membuat nyaman= mebuat Aman, Security Bali Aka Saka=Tidak Sopan=Berlebihan=Tidak menghargai Tamu!

Entah apa yang terjadi namun kekesalan yang ditumpahkan Bondan melalui akun Twitternya ini sesaat setelah ia bersama Fead 2 Black selesai konser di Akasaka Karaoke Bar, Jalan Teuku Umar, Denpasar, Sabtu (23/04/2011) lalu.

Pemilik Akasaka, Jerry Filmon yang tidak terima atas penghinaan ini memilih menempuh jalur hukum untuk menyelesaikannya.

Aparat Polresta Denpasar kini sedang memproses laporan Jerry Filmon dan akan memanggil saksi-saksi terkait masalah ini. Sementara Kasat Reskrim Polresta Denpasar sampai saat ini belum berhasil dihubungi saat akan dikonfirmasi terkait masalah ini.

GAMBAR TWITTER BONDAN MENGHINA AKASAKA BALI Video Bondan Ditangkap Polisi Terjerat Hukum

Kasus Twitter Bondan Prakoso 2011, Kata-kata Hinaan Bondan Prakoso Di Twitter, Twitter Bondan Prakoso @Bondanf2b, Fead 2 Black, Video Konser Bondan di Bali, Youtube Lagu Bondan Terbaru, Bondan Prakoso dilaporkan Ke Polisi, Akasaka Karaoke Bar Bali, Jerry Filmon, Cara Hack Twitter, Login Twitter Via Hp

VIDEO PANGERAN WILLIAM KATE CIUMAN DI BALKON (YOUTUBE) Ciuman William Kate Middleton Disambut Ribuan Warga Inggris Live

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FOTO PANGERAN WILLIAM CIUM KATE MIDDLETON YOU TUBE Video Youtube Pangeran William Kate Ciuman Di Balkon Ciuman William Kate Middleton Disambut Ribuan Warga Inggris Live. Panas membara :) Setelah acara pernikahan di Westminster Abbey, Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton akhirnya muncul di balkon Istana Buckingham. Di balkon itulah, William mencium Kate sebanyak dua kali, dan disambut gemuruh ribuan warga Inggris yang menyaksikan langsung. Lihat Video Youtube Pangeran William Kate Middleton Resmi Menikah 2011 (Foto) Prosesi Pernikahan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton di Westminster Abbey London Sakral dan Video Youtube FC Porto Vs Villareal 5-1 Hasil Liga Europa 2011 Falcao Quat-trick Leg I Semifinal Liga Europa.

William muncul dan terkejut melihat lautan massa yang menunggu di bawah. "Wow," decaknya. Bersama Kate, sang Pangeran melambai-lambaikan tangan ke arah ribuan orang yang telah menunggu momen mendebarkan itu. Tiba-tiba, dengan spontan dan cepat, William mencium bibir Kate.

Sekitar sepuluh menit, William, Kate dan anggota keluarga istana berdiri di balkon. Ribuan warga itu bersorak sorai sambil melambai-lambaikan bendera Inggris Union Jack. Cuaca di areal Istana Buckingham tampak sangat cerah.

Sementara, suara fly-past skuadron pesawat tempur Inggris pun terdengar di langit London untuk menghormati pasangan baru keluarga kerajaan Inggris. Pesawat tempur itu dipiloti oleh sahabat-sahabat William.

Sebelumnya, William dan Kate diarak dengan menggunakan kereta kuda. Kereta kuda yang membawa William dan Kate ini melewati Whitehall yang menghubungkan gereja Westminster Abbey dengan Istana Buckingham.

Mereka melambaikan tangan kepada ribuan warga Inggris yang berdiri di sepanjang jalan. Masyarakat yang sudah menunggu sejak 6 jam pagi bersorak-sorai ketika rombongan kereta melewati mereka.

Inilah cuplikan berita pernikahan William dan Kate 2011 video ciuman Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton di Istana Buckingham youtube. Pangeran Will dan Putri Chaterine memang memesona miliaran pemirsa televisi. Ih apa ga malu ya ciuman live begitu :)

(VIDEO) PANGERAN WILLIAM KATE MIDDLETON RESMI MENIKAH 2011 Foto Prosesi Pernikahan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton di Westminster Abbey London Sakral

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YOU TUBE PERNIKAHAN PANGERAN WILLIAM KATE MIDDLETON PROSESI Video Youtube Pangeran William Kate Middleton Resmi Menikah 2011 (Foto) Prosesi Pernikahan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton di Westminster Abbey London Sakral. Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton akhirnya resmi menjadi suami-istri setelah melalui prosesi pernikahan yang sakral dan mengharukan di Westminster Abbey, London. Lihat Pernikahan Pangeran William Dan Kate Middleton 2011 London Pangeran William Dan Putri Catherine (Kate) Resmi Menikah dan Siaran TV Pernikahan Pangeran William Kate Middleton Live Ditonton 1 Miliar Orang.

Pangeran William tiba terlebih dahulu di Westminster Abbey. Ia turun dari mobil Rolls-Royce hitam didampingi adiknya, Pangeran Harry. William tampak gagah mengenakan militer Kolonel Pengawal Irlandia berwarna merah. Ia melambaikan tangan sejenak ke arah massa sebelum masuk ke dalam biara.

Sekitar setengah jam kemudian, Kate tiba di Westminster dari Hotel Goring tempat dia dan keluarganya menginap. Ia mengenakan gaun pengantin putih yang sederhana. Rambutnya tampak dihiasi dengan tiara, semakin memancarkan aura kecantikannya.

Kate berjalan menuju altar pernikahan didampingi oleh ayahnya, Michael Middleton. Himne ‘I was Glad’ yang dimainkan saat pernikahan Pangeran Charles dan Putri Diana pada tahun 1981, dimainkan kembali sambil mengiringi Kate berjalan menuju altar.

Sesampainya di altar, William sempat berbisik kepada Kate. Tak lama kemudian, prosesi pernikahan dimulai dengan dipimpin oleh Uskup Agung Canterburry, Rowan Douglas Williams. Prosesi diawali dengan menyanyikan sejumlah lagu gereja.

Usai menyanyikan lagu, Uskup Agung memimpin William dan Kate mengucapkan janji nikah. Keduanya mengucapkan ikrar dengan lancar, tanpa kesalahan sedikit pun. William dan Kate juga saling memandang saat berjanji saling setia.

Pembacaan ikrar diikuti acara tukar cincin dan berdoa. Kemudian keduanya dinyatakan resmi sebagai suami istri. William dan Kate selanjutnya menuju bangku pelaminan di altar Westminster yang sudah disediakan bagi mereka. Keduanya duduk dan mengikuti prosesi berikutnya dengan seksama.

Tidak ada acara saling cium bibir dalam prosesi di Westminster Abbey ini. Hal itu akan mereka lakukan di balkon Istana Buckingham, usai prosesi pernikahan, di hadapan ribuan publik Inggris.

Berikut ini cuplikan berita video Pernikahan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton 2011 youtube. Setelah acara prosesi pernikahan, William dan Kate resmi menikah jadi sepasang suami istri. Seru liat siaran langsung tayangan stasiun TV acara pernikahan calon Raja dan Ratu Inggris ini :) vidio live pernikahan termegah sejagad disaksikan miliaran pemirsa televisi dunia.

Queens Réunion 2011 will be crowned on June 4, 2011 - The winner will represent Reunion in Miss World 2011 pageant

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The road to Miss World 2011.

Queens Réunion 2011 will be crowned on June 4.

WINNER will represent Reunion in Miss World 2011 pageant.

Click here to meet the contestants vying for the crown.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Xia Mei Zi is the newly crowned Miss Tourism Queen International China 2011

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Xia Mei Zi (19) from Zhengzhou (Henan), was chosen Miss Tourism Queen International China during the national finals held in Port Arthur, Dalian, on April 26th. Mei is a student at Xuchang University as well as a trained ballerina. She also won the titles of Miss Friendship and Port Arthur Ambassador.

She will represent China in the Miss Tourism Queen International 2011 to be held in Guiyang in July, 2011.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss World China 2011 Pageant will be held in Lingshan Buddish Scenic spot of Wuxi, Jiangsu province on September 15, 2011

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Road to Miss World 2011

Miss World China 2011 Pageant will be held in Lingshan Buddish Scenic spot of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, from Aug. 15 to Sep. 15, and the Miss World China 2011 will be crowned on Sep. 15. The winner will represent China in Miss World 2011 Pageant.

Miss World Alexandria Mills and Chairman of the Miss World Organisation Julia Morley
attended the launch of Miss World China 2011 in Beijing on March 30th

Special thanks and credits to

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Photos of Alyssa Campanella, Miss California USA 2011, in Pacific San Diego Magazine, May 2011 Edition

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Miss California USA 2011 in Pacific San Diego Magazine

Photos of Alyssa Campanella, Miss California USA 2011, in Pacific San Diego Magazine, May 2011 Edition. Alyssa Campanella will represent California in the upcoming Miss USA 2011.

Special thanks and credits to Pacific San Diego

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Celine LaFlamme's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Celine LaFlamme

Age: 23 | Height: 5’8″ | Toronto, ON

This green eyed brown hair optimist from Toronto will never be just a pretty face. With compassion and enthusiasm she inspires all to pursue their dreams. At 23, she is the assistant manager for an exotic car dealership, and volunteers her spare time networking the unemployed with local businesses anticipating a business of her own.

She believes in equality between all ages, races, and genders and will always fight for an equal opportunity between them. She is a strong independent and a hard working woman that will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. She has an intuitive desire to help people and has a big heart for those in need.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends.

Special thanks and credits to

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Chelsae Durocher's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Chelsae Durocher

Age: 20 | Height: 5’9″ | Tecumseh, ON

Chelsae Durocher is a 3rd year student at the University of Windsor, studying in the Drama in Education and Community Program. She is fluent in both French and English and one day hopes to be an elementary school teacher. She loves working with children and meeting new people; and will embrace any opportunity which allows her to do so.

She is a strong believer in the power of volunteerism and actively volunteers within her community, always promoting her platform of maintaining a healthy active lifestyle amongst children. She enjoys swimming, running, singing, and spending time with her friends and family; and would love to further promote her platform to youth across the world.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends.

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

English and French

Special thanks and credits to

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Courtney Hewalo's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Courtney Hewalo

Age: 20 | Height: 5’8″ | Montmartre, SK

Courtney was born and raised in small town Saskatchewan. She now lives in Saskatoon where she attends the University of Saskatchewan. Courtney is pursuing a bachelor of science majoring in anatomy and cell biology as she hopes to be admitted to the College of Medicine in the near future.

She has become a member of the Greystone Scholars Society and the Golden Key Honors Society as a result of her academic achievement. She is also a member of the anatomy and cell biology student society. Courtney’s aspiration is to become a pediatrician, which will allow her to combine her love of children, her ambition to change people’s lives, and her excellence in academics into a career.

Courtney has always been a strong part of her community through sports, school, and volunteering. Her love of sports has led her to excel in activities such as dance, volleyball, baseball, badminton, track & field and snowboarding. She has volunteered with The Children’s Wish Foundation, Regina General Hospital, her local dance club, and within her high school.

She is also a certified lifeguard who spent a number of summers running her hometown swimming pool. This job taught her valuable skills that she will use throughout her life which allows her to be the positive role model she feels all children need. In addition, Courtney seizes the opportunity to model whenever it arises. When Courtney is not playing sports, modeling, or volunteering, she loves to spend time at her family’s cabin sitting in the sun, relaxing.

Courtney believes that life is full of setbacks, but success is determined by how you handle those setbacks. This philosophy is what has led her to become a part of the Student Wellness Initiative Toward Community Health (SWITCH). SWITCH is a student run inter professional clinic servicing the core neighborhoods of Saskatoon.

As a part of SWITCH, Courtney gets to help people who have faced more setbacks in life than any person should have to, and has the chance to help them to achieve some sort of success in their lives. She is also a part of the executive board that governs the activities of SWITCH. Courtney feels that anyone can make a difference in the world if they truly want to. She believes that helping even one person betters the world in an extraordinary way.

Sponsored by: D.L. Kaczmar Trucking Ltd., Independent Ag Ltd., Dow AgroSciences, Bayer CropScience Inc., BASF, JoJo Beads, Arbonne Executive National Vice President & Independent Consultant – Nichole Posehn, Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)


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source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Cristine Vlcek's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Cristine Vlcek

Age: 21 | Height: 5’10″ | Toronto, ON

Cristine was born in Guelph to a mixed parentage; her mother being from Barbados and her father being from Czech Republic. She grew up in Toronto from the age of five, where she was enrolled in French Immersion.

When she is not busy working as a lifeguard and teaching swimming lessons, she is busy completing her Bachelor of Honours degree in English along with her certificate of Bilingualism and certificate of Sexuality Studies at York University.

Cristine believes that our world’s future success heavily relies on the equality of education for both boys and girls of all nationalities in all countries.

She strongly believes that the greatest gift we can share with one another is tolerance; because everyone deserves a chance to succeed.

Sponsored by: Mixed Chicks, Family and Friends.

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

English, French

Special thanks and credits to

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Daena Pisio's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Daena Pisio

Age: 27 | Height: 5’7″ | Edmonton, AB

A Bachelor of Design graduate from the Alberta College of Art + Design, Daena is the creative director and founder of Frozen Notion Design Inc. – an Edmonton based visual communications and design studio.

As a young business owner, Daena credits other successful entrepreneurs for inspiring her to work hard, stay motivated, think big and take risks. She believes the key to taking hold of your future is to pursue an education and profession you are passionate about.

Early involvement in competitive sports and recreation has made ‘living an active lifestyle’ second nature to Daena. She also enjoys supporting the local arts and music in her community.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language).


Special thanks and credits to

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Danielle Murphy's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Danielle Murphy

Age: 19 | Height: 6’0″ | Brockville, ON

Danielle was born and raised in the beautiful city of Brockville Ontario, which is nestled along the banks of the scenic St. Lawrence river.

Most of her life has been dedicated to team sports such as hockey, baseball, and basketball. Throughout her athletic lifestyle she has learned how to give her best in everything she does. She is motivated and optimistic in every situation.

Danielle is a student of Algonquin College in our Nation’s capital of Ottawa Ontario. She is currently enrolled in a three year Graphic Design Advanced Diploma program. Danielle has a passion for art and photography and hopes to one day find a career that will allow her to do what she loves for a living.

She also takes on a volunteering role as a residence advisor in her college’s residence to help support and guide students through their academic journey.

People are a very important part of Danielle’s life. She is thankful to her family for being so supportive and caring. Danielle also enjoys working with children at her local YMCA as a camp leader during the summer months.

If given the chance to work as Miss Universe Canada, Danielle would want to inspire others to be themselves, and chase your dreams.

Sponsored by: Canarm Ltd. – Brockville ON, Algonquin College Students Association, Family and Friends

Special thanks and credits to

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Elishia Sahota's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Elishia Sahota

Age: 23 | Height: 5’9″ | North Delta, BC

From dreams of training to sprint for Canada at the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia; from being asked to move to California in order to pursue a professional career of tennis; from being requested to play professional soccer for Oxford University, and for representing Brazil at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games as the flag/placard bearer, Elishia Sahota continues to pursue a path of high achievement.

Upon completion of her degree as a current business student she plans upon continuing her studies in order to obtain a Masters degree and further the development of her own organization for children of war. As a model and actress, Elishia has had the privilege of working with big name Hollywood actors and iconic fashion photographers!

Upon meeting Elishia, you instantly feel her passion for family, her German Shepherd, and her love to be the old soul she is with a genuine personality and heart. She is well traveled with a respect and open mind for all people and places around this World.

Since a young girl she would participate with her school in visiting seniors’ homes to sing for them and spend time with them, as well as helping the Greater Vancouver Foodbank Society in numerous ways such as participating in building the first pilot soup garden. Her school gave her the foundation of giving through encouraging each grade since Kindergarten to donate money to help a sister school in Kibaale, Uganda. Elishia has taken this foundation and moved on to help raise money with her family to support the cause and organization of CRY (Cardiac Risk in Youth).

She has a passion for singing, a drive for athletics, and an appreciation for literature and the fine arts. She firmly believes in staying true to one’s morals and values in order to become successful and maintain happiness in life.

Remembering who you are and the strength you possess in order to get where your destiny will lead you is one of the most important concepts to master, she says. Once this concept begins to unfold in the mind, then and only then can we help to further and better the lives of others—You must first believe in you.

Sponsored by: Weights, Dr. James Y. Y. Hsia, Bikram Yoga Delta, Living-Salon, Tony Ali, Webster Talent Management, Crossover Bollywood Se, Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

English and Spanish

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Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Emily Kiss's Profile/Biography

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Name: Emily Kiss

Age: 24 | Height: 5’9″ | Windsor, Ontario

Emily Kiss is a recent graduate from the University of Windsor Ontario. She has successfully completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and Sociology and now plans to enhance her academic credentials by pursuing her MBA.

For her professional career, she aspires to work in the corporate world of marketing and public relations.

Living a healthy and active lifestyle is a priority in her life as she enjoys participating in all aspects of fitness. As an avid reader and researcher, Emily is inspired by sociological theories and philosophy. She has a passion for traveling the world and an excitement for experiencing new cultures.

As an active volunteer for the Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital Foundation and the Transition to Betterness Organization, she devotes her free time to organizing local fundraising events to improve and expand the fundamental health care facilities of Windsor.

Emily believes it is important for one to always be open minded, empathetic and kind because If you are good to others, good will come to you.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)


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Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Emily Nicks's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Emily Nicks

Age: 26 | Height: 5’8″ | Truro, NS

Emily is currently completing her Master of Science, with focus on nutrition labeling, at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. In addition to her education, Emily loves working as a bridal sales consultant. All work and no play is not her philosophy, as she attends dance class and plays piano.

Emily is a firm believer in adding healthy foods and physical activity into our daily lives. She loves all that the East Coast of Canada offers, as the beautiful landscape makes it easy to be outside exercising!

This young woman loves being an active volunteer in her community. Emily believes that being part of a community starts with sharing our time and talents.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)


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Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Ewa Swiatko's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Ewa Swiatko

Age: 25 | Height: 5’7″ | Montreal, QC

Energetic, approachable and friendly are only a few words to describe the kind of person Ewa is. She is always looking to help others and cares about their wellbeing, sometimes even more than her own.

Her love for travel enabled her move to Eastern Europe as a teenager where she was then given the opportunity to experience a different culture and life.

She received her degree in Geography, then moved back to Canada and graduated in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing. She wishes to continue her studies at Concordia University pursuing Communication Studies to one day host her own travel television show.

She has an incredible amount of passion for extreme sports and loves to live life “on the edge”. One of her favourite’s is to skydive and is now planning on becoming a certified solo jumper this year to show others that we can achieve anything we want to.

Other hobbies of hers include, dancing, singing, reading and most importantly spending as much time as possible with her family.

Ewa feels she is truly blessed to be in the MUC pageant. She hopes it will give her the opportunity to be more involved in humanitarian organizations, through which she can then be of help to less fortunate people. Ewa believes that we all deserve a chance in pursuing our dreams.

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Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

I speak English, French and Polish and currently learning Spanish

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Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Ines Munyemana's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Ines Munyemana

Age: 21| Height: 5’9″ | Montreal, QC

Inès Simbi Munyemana was born In Rwanda in 1989 and left the country during 1994 war. After losing her father, she came to live in Canada with her mother and older brother. Left out really sensible from this experience, she began thinking that life wasn’t fair and passed some really hard time to end up with this revelation: Everything is possible.

Learning that new magical senses of life, through her passion of reading and mentors such as Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. She felt the strong desire to learn more on these subjects.

Studied in Neuro-linguistic programming, wrote her first book and helped her mother by working for her when she opened her own residence for people with an intellectual and physical disability.

Inès Munyemana dream is to see everyone happy in life, achieving their biggest ambitions in order to open their hearts and then help others achieving theirs too. Leading to the conclusion she could become everything desired, she began to see all that life has to offer and now really wants to give back.

Her objectives are to become a super model, motivational speaker and successful writer in order to help anyone else in anyway. Especially those who only want to have one normal meal a day.

Proud to be Canadian, she strongly believes that life is all about giving. That is why she doesn’t just want to be a ‘’model’’ but a model of love for the entire universe. Starting here, in Canada.

Sponsored by: Spa Dentaire Laurier, Grand Quebec, Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)
French, English and Rwandese

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and all sources for the information and pictures)

Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Jamie-Lynell Ellis's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Jamie-Lynell Ellis

Age: 27 | Height: 6’0″ | Scarborough, ON

Jamie-Lynell was born and raised in the beautiful Caribbean island of St. Lucia. In 2007 she decided to make Toronto, Canada her home and pivot for personal and professional growth.

Currently an employee of Discount Car and Truck Rentals, Jamie enjoys interacting with others and meeting the challenges of a fast paced environment. In addition to meeting people, socializing, learning of different cultures and customs, Jamie welcomes any opportunity to lend a helping hand and take part in charitable events.

Her ultimate goal in life is to be in a position where she is able to give back to the community and those less fortunate. Jamie plans to further her education in the field of Public Relations which will serve as an asset in facilitating her dream. Her special love for children and admiration of their innocence is evident, and Jamie plans to adopt a child sometime in the future.

Jamie is a lover of life and embraces its joys and challenges equally: always looking at the glass half full as opposed to its emptiness.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)


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Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Ivanna Tarnowecky's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Ivanna Tarnowecky

Age: 21 | Height: 5’5″ | Kingston, ON

Ivanna Tarnowecky was born and raised in Kingston, Ontario. At a very young age, she fell in love with the performing arts and has been acting, singing, and dancing ever since. Her role model is her grandmother, who was a merited actress of Ukraine. She is her inspiration.

Ivanna recently completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Book & Media Studies with a Minor in both French and Cinema Studies from the University of Toronto. She looks forward to furthering her education in Communication and Advertising.

Ivanna has a passion for helping people and enjoys working with the elderly and children. She is an outgoing and enthusiastic person who loves to travel, meet new people, and experience new cultures. She believes that cultural diversity is one of Canada’s most admirable qualities.

Sponsored by: St. Vladimir Institute, Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)

I speak Ukrainian, English, and French fluently and learned them in that order. My native language is Ukrainian.

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Miss Universe Canada 2011 Contestant - Jennifer King's Photo & Profile/Biography

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Name: Jennifer King

Age: 23 | Height: 5’7″ | Fort McMurray, AB

Jennifer, 23, was born and raised in Fort McMurray, Alberta and hopes to become the first woman from Alberta to become Miss Universe Canada. Jennifer completed her Bachelor of Science degree through the University of Alberta in 2009 and currently works as a ‘Labour and Delivery’ Nurse.

Growing up, Jennifer enjoyed playing soccer and was selected to play for Team Alberta in Greenland for the 2002 Arctic Winter Games where her team won the gold medal.

She enjoys being active and worked as a lifeguard and swimming instructor since the age of sixteen (16). In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering and leading an active lifestyle.

She loves children and enjoys being a positive role model to youth. Jen’s craziest life experience just occurred in South Africa where she experienced sky diving!

Jennifer plans to further her education with a Masters degree in nursing. As Miss Universe, Jennifer would use the title to empower young women around the world to live a healthy lifestyle and promote education, democracy and health care for all.

Sponsored by: Family and Friends

Languages spoken Fluently (please include your native language if English is not your native language)


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and all sources for the information and pictures)

VIDEO FC PORTO VS VILLAREAL 5-1 (YOUTUBE) Hasil Liga Europa 2011 Falcao Quat-trick Leg I Semifinal Liga Europa

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YOU TUBE VILLAREAL VS PORTO 1-5 ALL GOALS Video Youtube FC Porto Vs Villareal 5-1 Hasil Liga Europa 2011 Falcao Quat-trick Leg I Semifinal Liga Europa. Oporto - Porto pantas berterima kasih kepada Radamel Falcao di Leg I Semifinal Liga Europa kontra Villarreal. Quat-trick Falcao membawa The Dragon menang 5-1 sekaligus mendekatkan mereka ke tiket final Piala Europa. Lihat Video Youtube Barcelona Vs Real Madrid 2-0 Gol Messi Hasil Semifinal Liga Champions 2011 Leg Pertama dan Video Foto Pernikahan Pangeran William Dan Kate Middleton 2011 London Pangeran William Dan Putri Catherine (Kate) Resmi Menikah.

Dalam laga yang dihelat di Estadio Do Dragao, Jumat (29/4/2011) dinihari WIB, Porto sempat tertinggal di babak pertama lewat gol Cani.

Namun di babak kedua mereka menggelontorkan lima gol ke gawang tim tamu. Empat dihasilkan Falcao dan satu gol diciptakan Fredy Guarin.

Empat gol Falcao mengokohkan posisinya di puncak daftar topskorer dengan 15 gol.

Marjin empat gol ini tentunya meringankan tugas Porto saat melakoni leg kedua pekan depan di El Madrigal. Asal tidak kalah lebih dari empat gol dan mampu mencetak gol tandang, Porto yang lolos ke final.

Jalannya pertandingan Porto vs Villareal Europa League 2011

Pada menit ketujuh tim tamu membuka peluang setelah Nilmar yang lolos dari jebakan offside berlari menyambut bola dan mendapat ruang bebas untuk menembak. Sayang Helton dengan gemilang menepis bola di tiang dekat.

Sesudahnya Porto dominan dalam hal penguasaan bola namun masih belum bisa menembus ketatnya pertahanan Villarreal.

Sebaliknya tim tamu beberapa kali mengancam gawang Porto lewat counter attack. Salah satunya tembakan Santi Cazorla di menit ke-29 yang bisa diamankan Helton.

Villarreal akhirnya mampu mencuri gol di penghujung babak pertama. Sebuah serangan balik dibangun dan bola berada di kaki Nilmar di sayap kanan. Umpan silang dikirim ke tiang dekat dan Cani menanduknya dengan sempurna ke dalam jala Helton.

Pada menit ke-48 Porto mendapat hadiah penalti menyusul pelanggaran kiper Diego Lopez kepada Falcao. Dengan dingin Falcao mengelabui Lopez dan Porto pun menyamakan skor.

Di menit ke-52 Borja Valero melakukan aksi individu di sisi kiri pertahanan tuan rumah dan diakhiri dengan sebuah sepakan mendatar, yang masih bisa ditepis Helton.

Guarin membawa Porto berbalik unggul di menit ke-61. Akselerasi individu Guarin di sayap kanan tak mampu dibendung barisan belakang Villarreal.

Usai mengecoh satu pemain, Guarin menyepak bola dan membentur tiang, namun dengan cepat bola rebound ditanduknya untuk menjebol gawang Lopez.

Falcao! Penyerang asal Kolombia itu menjauhkan keunggulan timnya pada menit ke-67. Umpan menyilang datar Hulk dari sisi kanan disambar Falcao yang tak terkawal di depan mulut gawang Villarreal.

Pada menit ke-75 Falcao kembali menunjukkan ketajamannya di kotak penalti dengan mencetak hat-trick sekaligus gol ke-14 di kompetisi ini. Crossing Guarin ditanduk Falcao sambil menjatuhkan badan tanpa mampu dihalau Lopez.

Satu menit menjelang waktu normal habis, Falcao kembali menggetarkan gawang Lopez untuk keempat kalinya malam ini. Tandukannya meneruskan korner mengarahkan bola ke tiang jauh dan tak mampu dicegah Lopez.

Susunan pemain

Porto: Helton, Sapunaru, Rolando, Otamendi, Pereira, Cristian Rodriguez (Varela 74'), Guarin (Dias 79'), Fernando, Joao Moutinho, Hulk (J.Rodriguez 84'), Falcao

Villarreal: Diego Lopez, Mario, Musacchio, Marchena, Catala, Cani (Mati 74'), Valero (Mubarak 66'), Bruno, Santi Cazorla, Nilmar (Ruben 74'), Rossi

Berikut ini hasil semifinal Liga Europa 2011 leg pertama cuplikan gol video FC Porto Vs Villareal 5-1 youtube. Falcao cetak 4 goal, termasuk 2 goal cantik nan indah, memusnahkan harapan Villareal lolos ke final. 28/04/11

PERNIKAHAN PANGERAN WILLIAM DAN KATE MIDDLETON 2011 LONDON Pangeran William dan Putri Catherine (Kate) Resmi Menikah

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VIDEO PERNIKAHAN PANGERAN WILLIAM KATE MIDDLETON (YOUTUBE) LIVE 2011 RESEPSI Pernikahan Pangeran William Dan Kate Middleton 2011 London Pangeran William Dan Putri Catherine (Kate) Resmi Menikah. Akhirnya Jumat 29/4/2011 menjadi hari bersejarah bagi Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton. Kedua pasangan itu meresmikan hubungan mereka di Gereja Westminster Abbey, London. Lihat Siaran TV Pernikahan Pangeran William Kate Middleton Live Ditonton 1 Miliar Orang dan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton Tunangan (Video Youtube) Pernikahan Pangeran William Kate Middleton 2011.

Pada pagi hari waktu setempat, Ratu Elizabeth akan mengumumkan julukan atau nama panggilan bagi kedua calon mempelai. Sejumlah sumber percaya kalau keduanya akan mendapat julukan 'Duke and Duchess of Clarence or Cambridge'.

Namun sumber kerajaan mengatakan, keduanya akan dipanggil seperti biasa, Pangeran William dan Putri Catherine.

Mengenai gaun pernikahannya, Kate bersikeras untuk tidak memberitahukan detailnya sebelum pukul 11.00 siang waktu setempat, saat Kate dan ayahnya, Michael tiba di Westminster Abbey. Kate tidak ingin kejutan untuk calon suaminya bocor sebelum dirinya berjalan di altar.

Malam sebelum pernikahan Kate Middleton dan Pangeran William 2011, Kate dan keluarga menginap di hotel yang dirahasiakan di pusat kota London. Di hotel itu pula Kate akan dirias sebelum mengucapkan janji sehidup-semati. Ia dijadwalkan tiba di Westminster Abbey pada pukul 08.30 pagi melalui pintu utara.

Pernikahan Raja dan Ratu masa depan Inggris itu diperkirakan akan disaksikan sekitar 2 miliar penduduk di seluruh dunia melalui TV. Sekitar 1.900 orang tamu undangan akan menyaksikan secara langsun dari Gereja Westminster Abbey.

Setelah William dan Kate resmi menjadi suami istri, akan ada 5 upacara seremoni yang digelar Kerajaan Inggris. Acara tersebut digelar saat membawa kedua mempelai dari Gereja Westminster Abbey ke Istana Buckingham.

Pernikahan Pangeran William Dan Kate Middleton 2011, Video Pernikahan Pangeran William Kate Middleton, Youtube Resepsi Pangeran William Kate Middleton, Foto Pangeran William Kate Middleton Menikah 2011, Pangeran William Dan Putri Catherine Resmi Menikah, Julukan Kate Middleton, Gambar Putri Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Clarence or Cambridge, Siaran Langsung Pernikahan Pangeran William Kate Middleton, Jadwal Siaran TV RCTI Indosiar SCTV ANTV Global TV MNC TV

VIDEO BARCELONA VS REAL MADRID 2-0 (YOUTUBE) GOL MESSI Hasil Semifinal Liga Champions 2011 Leg Pertama CR7 Dipecundangi

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YOU TUBE BARCA VS MADRID 2-0 ALL GOALS MESSI Video Youtube Barcelona Vs Real Madrid 2-0 Gol Messi Hasil Semifinal Liga Champions 2011 Leg Pertama CR7 Dipecundangi Barca di Kandang Sendiri. Real Madrid dipaksa menelan pil pahit dalam pertandingan semifinal leg I menghadapi Barcelona. Bertanding di hadapan pendukungnya sendiri, Los Merengues menyerah dengan skor 0-2. Lihat Video Youtube Manchester MU Vs Schalke 2-0 Gol Giggs Rooney Semifinal Liga Champions 2011 Leg I Manchester United Unggul dan Foto Akte Lahir Obama Presiden AS Bantah Isu Obama Tidak Lahir Di Amerika Serikat As Versi Gedung Putih.

Bertempat di Santiago Bernabeu, Kamis (27/4/2011) dinihari WIB pertandingan berjalan dengan tensi tinggi. Akan tetapi babak pertama kedua tim masih bermain sama kuat tanpa gol.

Laga kian memanas di babak kedua. Madrid terpaksa kehilangan Pepe yang dikartu merah sehingga harus melewati pertandingan dengan 10 orang pemain.

Barca yang unggul jumlah pemain berhasil memanfaatkan keadaan. Lionel Messi tampil sebagai juru selamat Barca dan mencetak dua gol pada menit 76 dan 87.

Dengan keunggulan dua gol ini, maka Barca tinggal butuh hasil seri saja di semifinal leg kedua yang digelar di Camp Nou pekan depan untuk memastikan tiket ke final. Sedangkan Madrid harus menang minimal 3-0.

Jalannya Pertandingan Barcelona vs Real Madrid 2-0 Champions League Leg 1

Dalam pertandingan yang digelar di Santiago Bernabeu, Kamis (28/4/2011) dinihari WIB, Barca lebih mendominasi jalannya pertandingan.

Setelah cukup alot bermain hingga tiga menit pertama, Barcelona memperoleh peluang untuk menembak di menit keempat. Xavi melepas tendangan voli dari luar kotak mengarah ke pelukan Iker Casillas.

Cristiano Ronaldo merespon semenit kemudian. Umpan Angel Di Maria disambut Ronaldo yang lantas membuat tendangan dari pojok kiri kanan luar area penalti. Bola masih sanggup dijinakkan Victor Valdes.

Villa melahirkan peluang terbaik pertama Barca di menit 11. Striker Spanyol ini melepas sepakan melengkung keras dari luar kotak setelah melewati Pepe dan Marcelo. Bola masih melebar.

Di menit 25, Lionel Messi mengirim bola kepada Xavi yang lolos dari jebakan offside. Ia menyambut bola dengan sepakan mendatar namun masih bisa ditangkap Casillas.

Xavi kembali mencoba peruntungannya empat menit kemudian. Akan tetapi sepakannya dari jarak cukup jauh masih terlalu tinggi dari mistar gawang Madrid.

Setelah mendapat dari lapangan tengah, bola disambut Pepe yang berada di tengah kotak tapi bukan masalah buat Valdes.

Tingginya tensi pertandingan memunculkan cekcok di antara para pemain kedua kubu beberapa menit sebelum haf-time.

Sergio Ramos berseteru dengan Gerard Pique dan Alvaro Arbeloa mendapat kartu kuning pertama akibat sengaja menghalangi laju Pedro.

Menjelang laga usai Ronaldo melepas sepakan keras yang masih bisa tepis Valdes dengan dadanya. Bola liar disambut oleh Mesut Oezil dan Valdes menghalangi bola dengan kakinya.

Laga masih terus panas di babak kedua. Barca mengawali serangan dengan sepakan Messi tiga menit setelah restart. Barisan pertahanan Madrid sukses memblok bola.

Xabi Alonso membuat tendangan spekulasi dari tengah lapangan yang belum tepat sasaran. Tak lama kemudian Ronaldo yang diwali dengan penetrasi melepas tendangan tapi masih bisa diblok.

Pepe kartu merah! Tim tuan rumah bermain dengan 10 orang akibat Pepe dikeluarkan dari pertandingan di menit 60 karena melanggar keras Alves.

Di menit 65, tendangan bebas menemui Ronaldo. Bola disambutnya dengan sundulan namun masih melambung.

Tiga menit kemudian Barca membalas. Operan Xavi diterima Villa. Pemain yang disebut belakangan membuat tendangan yang masih bisa dihalau Casillas. Pedro yang berada di depan gawang mneruskannya dengan sundulan.

Pelanggaran Pique kepada Ronaldo melahirkan tendangan bebas buat Madrid. Ronaldo melakukan eksekusi tapi bola masih melambung tinggi.

Masuknya Ibrahim Afellay menggantikan Pedro berbuah manis.

Afellay melakukan pergerakan ke kotak penalti Madrid dan dari sisi kanan lapangan mengirim umpan ke tengah yang disambut Messi dengan sontekan dan menjebol gawang Casillas di menit 76.

Malapetaka buat Madrid. Messi kini membawa Barca unggul 2-0 di menit 86. Ia berlari menggiring bola dan melewati tiga pemain Madrid dan melepas sepakan mendatar yang diarahkan ke tiang jauh dan gol.

Susunan Pemain Barca vs Madrid Semifinal Liga Champions Leg I UCL

REAL MADRID: Casillas, Arbeloa, Ramos, Albiol, Marcelo, Alonso, Pepe, Diarra, Oezil (Adebayor 45'), Di María, Ronaldo

BARCELONA: Valdes, Alves, Pique, Puyol, Keita, Mascherano, Busquets, Xavi, Pedro (Afellay 70'), Messi, Villa (Sergi Roberto 90')

Inilah hasil pertandingan semifinal Liga Champions 2011 cuplikan gol video Barcelona vs Real Madrid 2-0 youtube. Lionel Messi cetak 2 goal menghancurkan El Real di kandang sendiri di leg 1 (pertama). Bahkan di gol kedua Messi meliuk indah dan membobol gawang Real Madrid setelah menaklukkan tiga pemain lawan. Aksi Messi super cantik! Vidio Champions ini serasa nonton siaran langsung alias live dari TV :) 27/4/11

(FOTO) AKTE LAHIR OBAMA PRESIDEN AS Bantah Isu Obama Tidak Lahir di Amerika Serikat AS Versi gedung Putih

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GAMBAR SALINAN AKTE LAHIR BARACK OBAMA PRESIDEN USA VIDEO YOUTUBE Foto Akte Lahir Obama Presiden AS Bantah Isu Obama Tidak Lahir Di Amerika Serikat As Versi Gedung Putih. Kasus Washington - Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) Barack Obama memberikan penjelasan kepada publik terkait isu yang beredar bahwa Obama tidak lahir di AS Amerika. Pihak Gedung Putih telah menunjukkan salinan versi panjang akta kelahiran Obama kepada publik. Lihat Ashanty Anang Pacaran Resmi 2011 Dahsyat Rcti Pernyataan Berpacaran Ashanty dan Anang Hermansyah dan Video Youtube Manchester MU Vs Schalke 2-0 Gol Giggs Rooney Semifinal Liga Champions 2011 Leg I Manchester United Juara.

Salinan akta kelahiran Obama yang ditunjukkan Gedung Putih tersebut merupakan salinan dari dokumen asli yang dibuat saat kelahiran Obama dan disimpan oleh otoritas tempat kelahiran Obama.

Dalam dokumen tersebut, jelas tertulis bahwa tempat kelahiran Obama adalah Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Dan tanggal kelahirannya tertulis 4 Agustus 1961, pukul 19.24 waktu setempat. Demikian seperti dilansir AFP, Rabu (27/4/2011).

Pada saat kampanye pemilu 2008 lalu, berhembus isu bahwa Obama bukan kelahiran asli AS dan ia telah memalsukan akta kelahirannya. Namun saat itu pihak Obama membantah dengan menunjukkan salinan pendek dari akta kelahirannya.

Perlu diketahui bahwa menurut Konstitusi AS, seorang presiden dan wakil presiden harus asli kelahiran AS.

Sementara seperti dilansir, Obama mengirimkan fax kepada Departemen Kesehatan Hawaii pada 22 April lalu, yang isinya meminta dua salinan akta kelahiran asli miliknya. Salinan ini kemudian disebut versi panjang karena terdiri dari dua halaman.

Sebelumnya, pada kampanye pemilu presiden tahun 2008 lalu, Obama hanya menunjukkan versi pendek satu halaman dari salinan akta lahirnya. Oleh para kritikus dan juga Donald Trump, keberadaan versi panjang salinan akta lahir itu disebut-sebut berisi informasi yang disembunyikan Obama.

Padahal, pada halaman kedua salinan tesrebut juga tertulis informasi yang sama seperti halaman pertama, yang telah dipublikasikan sebelumnya. Kepala Departeman Kesehatan Hawaii, Loretta J Fuddy menjelaskan, pihaknya sengaja membuat pengecualian dengan membuat dua salinan asli dari akta lahir Obama. Karena biasanya, pihak Departeman Kesehatan Hawaii baru membuat salinan jika diminta dan itupun dari arsip yang ada di komputer.

Pihak pengacara Gedung Putih langsung datang ke Honolulu untuk mengambil salinan akta lahir tersebut. Dan salinan ini baru tiba di Gedung Putih kemarin sore.

FOTO AKTE LAHIR OBAMA Isu Tanah Kelahiran Barack Obama Bukan Amerika Vidio

Foto Akte Lahir Obama, Barack Obama Presiden AS Amerika Serikat, Video Obama Bantah Isu Kelahirannya, Youtube Obama Tidak Lahir Di Amerika Serikat AS,Gambar Akte Lahir Obama Versi Gedung Putih, Obama Lahir di Menteng Jakarta, Indonesia, Kasus Akte Lahir Obama, Polemik Kelahiran Barack Obama, Barrack Obama

Miss USA Rima Fakih attend the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom

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Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih

In This Photo: Patrick Condren, Rima Fakih
Miss USA Rima Fakih and Patrick Condren attend the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

In This Photo: Paula Shugart, Rima Fakih

Miss USA Rima Fakih and Head of the Miss Universe organization Paula Shugart attend the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

In This Photo: Rima Fakih
Miss USA Rima Fakih (2nd from R) poses with the Liberty Bells at the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih

In This Photo: Rita Cosby, Rima Fakih, Michelle Howard, Oliver Mendell, Sara Bryant
(L-R) Rita Cosby, Miss USA Rima Fakih, Sergeant Sara Bryant, Oliver Mendell and Rear Admiral Michelle Howard pose onstage at the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

In This Photo: Rita Cosby, Rima Fakih, Michelle Howard, Oliver Mendell, Wendy Sue Buckingham
(L-R) Rita Cosby, Miss USA Rima Fakih, Captain Wendy Sue Buckingham, Oliver Mendell and Rear Admiral Michelle Howard attend the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

In This Photo: Rita Cosby, Rima Fakih, Michelle Howard, Oliver Mendell, Seaman Judith Mae Boyce
(L-R) Rita Cosby, Miss USA Rima Fakih, Culinary Specialist Seaman Judith Mae Boyce, Oliver Mendell and Rear Admiral Michelle Howard attend the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

USO Honors Military Women And Women Business Leaders At 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon

View Map »In This Photo: Rita Cosby, Rima Fakih, Michelle Howard, Oliver Mendell, Tannia Carter
(L-R) Rita Cosby, Miss USA Rima Fakih, Staff Sergeant Tannia Carter, Oliver Mendell and Honoree Rear Admiral Michelle Howard attend the USO 45th Annual Woman Of The Year Luncheon honoring Military Women and Women Business Leaders at the Grand Ballroom at The Waldorf=Astoria on April 26, 2011 in New York City.
(April 25, 2011 - Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images North America)

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