Miss Hungary - A Királynő 2010
Here are two videos. The first one is a short video about how the girls learn the choreography for the final show.
The second one is a mix about the Miss Talent, Miss Sport and Miss Bikini competition, and about the press conference, where the four winners of the special awards were announced, and when Ottilia Zsar and Krisztina Himer (the 2 crying girls at the end) were eliminated. I simply can't imagine what Ottilia did to be left out?!
And here are some photos
Ottilia Zsar is in the middle of the first row
The four Special Award winners. From L to R:
Miss Charity: Diana Vigh, Miss Sport: Timea Babinyecz, Miss Talent: Agnes Dobo and Miss Bikini: Jennifer Kalo
The two girls who are eliminated: Krisztina Himer and Ottilia Zsar who said she would try it next year.
Final will be held on May 13, 2010
source: (Thank you and credits to
Missa: http://www.pinoyexchange
and all sources for the information and pictures)
posted by aadmin on Latest Beauty Pageant News 2010, Miss Hungary - A Királynő 2010